0492 936 170

Thanks for popping by to find out a little bit more about me.
I'm so glad you did, because I'd love you to know that when we work together, you can be confident that you're tapping in to a wealth of lived experience and formal qualifications, alongside many years of practical ministry and life skills.
I’ve managed to fit a whole lot of (wonderful and awful) life experience into the last few decades, including discovering my own God given potential, so that I can live this life of impact and purpose.
I truly understand what it's like to desperately want breakthrough, to feel that there is more you could be living, yet at the same time - be totally unsure of what that looks like, and how (or if) you can get there. I've been there too.
Through a combination of working with professional counsellors/coaches, pursuing my own personal growth and lots of prayer - I've done the work personally to process childhood trauma, recovered from a Christian cult, overcome depression and navigated a few significant parental challenges learning to become a healthy mum and wife (and all round great human being). Honestly, I just want to live out my full potential while I can.
My own personal story is the biggest driver of why I'm passionate about helping people succeed and get the most out of life (whatever success looks like for you!).
I've seen the way that our stories can shape us (and hold us back), but I'm also proof that we get to choose whether our past (or present) story dictates our future, or if it simply influences it.
I'm really excited to share the tools that I've learnt along the way, hear your story and help you discover how to get the most of out of this one life you've been given.
If you want to know more, please reach out - I'd love to chat.
Mel x
(If you want to hear my story of trauma to transformation, check out the link below)
Finding a great therapeutic fit can be challenging - especially before that initial meeting. Because I understand that investing your time, energy and resource into finding freedom and empowerment is an important step, I provide as much information as possible upfront. If you'd like to connect to find out more, please click the button below to join the waitlist and I'll be in touch.
17+ years of rich, lived experience; overcoming depression and childhood trauma
15+ years of high level ministry and corporate experience: team leadership and development, pastoring, strategic planning, communications and project management
25 years of marriage, with nearly all those years as a parent to two beautiful girls
Established many healthy and fruitful ministry teams, including events, workshops, operations, discipleship stream and prayer ministry team.
Diploma of Counselling
Australian Institute of Professional Counselling
Diploma of Leadership (Ministry) HE
Alphacrucis College
Credientialed Practitioner of Coaching
The Coaching Institute
Certified Mental Health First Aider
Mental Health First Aid Australia
I have an uncanny knack for seeing to the root of a problem or scenario, and for plotting a path to a desired outcome. My clients enjoy accelerated change with many light bulb moments from the very first session. If you decide to journey with me, you’ll be beginning a very exciting process of discovery!